Learn SoloMendocino Unified School District Independent Study Resources
Allow your learning process to unfold naturally. Stay interested in your education.
“Real education must ultimately be limited to men who insist on knowing–the rest is mere sheep-herding.”
– Ezra Loomis Pound
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Mendocino Alternative School
Mendocino Alternative School (MAS), a program within Mendocino Unified School District, offers students the option of pursuing their education in locations other than in the classroom. MAS students come from varied backgrounds and choose the program for a variety of reasons, but the one common requirement is that participants are self-starting and intrinsically motivated. Essentially an independent study program, MAS coursework is designed to be meaningful and interesting to the individual students it serves, while meeting district requirements for grade level advancement and graduation. Typically, students check in with their instructor weekly to receive new assignments and to turn in completed work. MAS students are encouraged to broaden their educational experience through personal commitment to their own education.
High School at MAS
MAS high school coursework most often prepares students for success in community college, technical school or full-time work. Because lab sciences, foreign languages, AP courses, and the like cannot be offered with the same integrity as is possible in the classroom, MAS does not meet A-G requirements. Therefore, students who wish to attend a four-year university immediately following high school are not recommended for the program. However, committed students are able to take college prep courses at Mendocino High School, Mendocino Community High, community colleges, or through accredited online programs to complete admission requirements to four-year colleges.
Please speak with the appropriate MUSD site principal if you or your student is interested in pursuing an independent study education through Mendocino Alternative School.